Friday, June 5, 2015


The guy looks a little like Mark Wahlberg.


  1. The Sámi really (no, I mean REALLY) don't like being called 'Lapps' (it's a bit pejorative – worse than calling a Scot/Irish English, I think it means 'outsider' or similar - being polite here).

    I've spent quite a bit of time in Northern Sweden, Norway and Finland . I went first with the military and back regularly to stay with friends in their laitok (lavvu, and a real reindeer skin one too) herding, hunting and ... Oh OK lots of drinking too.

    I have a traditional (blue and red) tunic (or dress, just a bit longer is all for women) the Gákti, a Four Winds hat and even some reindeer fur Beak (pointed and curled toe to stop your skis slipping off) shoes. The Gákti is intensely personal in that differences denote which 'clan' and area you are from, your status and other personal aspects (eg. whether you are married or single is denoted by the shape of buttons on your belt – square for married).

    As cold as it gets up there I was always warm enough, only once having to wear a Luhkka (a sort of poncho) over the Gákti (well that and some reindeer skin leggings on top of the trousers).

    The man in your picture is wearing a Beaska (I think literally 'fur' or 'new fur') something only either the very rich or the very high status would/could (or it was damn cold that day).

    Definitely no expert but I quite like the Sámi individually and as a group. You should check out the Gákti they really are impressive (and the Sámi ladies aren't bad either - I just need to practice my Lule Sámi and I swear I'll persuade one one day to file down my buttons).

    (Just don't ask about their music, it's sort of accapella, similar to Scots Puert, personally I need to be very drunk to listen and dance [badly] to either. It's a good excuse for my drinking, and I'm sticking to it).

    So, a rich guy posing for a publicity shot – sounds like Wahlberg to me ;-p

  2. I have been making some sammi knives I really like the sheaths your friend truckwilkins
