Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Gotta drive to Bakersfield today for work.  Road warrior time.


  1. That looks like AZ. I really like Arizona. I need to go there on a road trip before high summer sets in.

  2. You are correct. Those long, stringy plants are cactus callled Ocotillos, (pronounced auk-ah-tee'-oh), aka Monkey Tail. The straight, pole-like cactus are Saguaros (pronounced su-war'-oh). The undulating two-lane blacktop bordered with Mormon Tea and Creosote bushes, leads from one red rock mesa to the next. The beautiful Sonoran Desert. Today's high temperature: 105 degrees F. The winter birds have migrated back to Canada, some flap their wings, and some drive Winnebagos.

  3. Replies
    1. Now that I'm back, I see this! I love Basque food, so next time I'm there I'll drop by. Thanks for the tip!

  4. A few doors south is Luigi's restaurant, also great. One block east is The Pyrenees which is outstanding..Not a great part of town but good Basque food..

    1. Yeah... I guess I should've mentioned it's not a great part of town
