Tuesday, June 2, 2015

By punching itself in the face over and over again....


  1. Wow. Do you remember when people read Newsweek...how times have changed. And the Gremlins are no longer on the road either. You don't even see Gremlins at car shows

    1. Everyone who bought a Gremlin traded it in in a year for a Honda.

    2. Those people who have lovingly coddled Gremlins in their garage are just waiting for them to be in vogue again so that they can wheel them to the auction and demand $250K because they're scarce.

  2. Not sure what's worse, a Gremlin or a Pacer.

  3. One of my engineering bosses had two Pacers. He figured for the price he could run both of them into the ground commuting and doing family chores. He worked a spreadsheet for cost of tires, gas, maintenance, purchase price on several vehicles and settled on the Pacer as saving the most money for his family.


  4. I owned a 1973 Gremlin. Purple with a 3 speed on the floor. That car took me from California to Ohio on 5 round trips, when I was in the military. It never gave me an ounce of trouble. Unfortunately by the late 70's it rusted out so bad, I sold it. What a chick magnet! (LOL!)
