Friday, June 5, 2015

A team of scientists mapping the ocean floor off the coast of Puerto Rico have captured some amazing images of deep sea creatures, some of which have never been seen before.

Scientists from the US government-backed National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration used a remotely operated vehicle across 12 dives to explore the ocean floor to depths up to 20,000ft and then stream their discoveries online. 

In the video taken from these expeditions and posted online by the website Quartz, an assortment of weird and wonderful creatures such as a fluorescent jellyfish and bright pink starfish can be seen. 

In total, more than 100 species of fish, 50 deep-water corals and hundreds of invertebrates were filmed by the vehicle's camera. 

Among these were several species that did not have names, including a new jellyfish-like creature and a never before seen species of fish. 


  1. Amazing creatures - thanks for posting!

    1. Imagine how much else there is down there that we don't know about!
