Thursday, May 14, 2015

A "Catalogue" of bookstore cats

"Ever wondered what is the collective term for a group of bookstore cats? We at Abe Books think it should be catalog. Incidentally, a clowder is the term for a group of ordinary cats and a kindle (yes, really) is a group of kittens. AbeBooks asked some of our booksellers to describe the cats that inhabit their bookshops and we now have a gallery of fine felines. Cats and literature have mixed well for a long, long time from T.S. Elliot's Practical Cats to Edward Lear's Pussy Cat and Dr Seuss' Cat in the Hat. Take a tour around these wonderful bookish cats, their owners and their bookstores."

Hat tip: Tai Wiki Widbee

An example: Shakespeare and Rembrandt, but much more at the link

"From the moment we decided to open a used book store, we were in perfect agreement on one issue. The bookstore needed feline floorwalkers. We picked up these two handsome young gentlekitties at the local shelter, and on opening day they were ready to roll along with us. The fuzzy ginger is called Shakespeare, and he loves people, especially children. Enter the store at your own risk with a bag, a box, a stroller or a carriage because within seconds Shakespeare will have his head, if not his whole body, buried in said item. He received the name Shakespeare because his name at the shelter was Shuffle, and we knew right away he had more play in him. Over time he even developed a Fan Club of young girls from the nearby dance school."

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