Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Kill me now

These are the leaders of the world.  We're so screwed!

I mean, no one had the huevos to simply say, "No, I will not wear shiny pastel pajamas in public, for chissakes, I'm the Prime Minister of Upper Slobovia!!"

No one of these self proclaimed leaders would stand up and say, "What is this bullchit?!  I'm not holding hands crossways, like we did back in grade school.  We are leaders, not fourth graders!!"

Nope.  They did as they were told.

One wonders how hard it was for the Red Chinese to keep from laughing out loud.  

Whoever bet that these spineless fish would do anything, even the stupidest, most insipid thing they were told, made big yuan today.

Just pathetic.  


  1. Replies
    1. In defense of Obama, they all agreed to wear that chit. I guess there was no adult in the house to say no. It would have been a good time to show his backbone.

    2. Also in defense of Obama, he's very accustomed to circle jerks. This is but one example and the cutesie shirts (while gay) seem to go with the party.

  2. "We are leaders, not fourth graders!!"
    We are not leaders, we're fourth graders!! TFIFY

  3. I bet the telletubbies are cold right now, without their clothes.

  4. I wonder if Putin joined in? I am so disgusted with Buckwheat, he never learns!
