Thursday, November 20, 2014

Lakota group, including Little Eagle and Mary Bizinette. 1891. Pine Ridge Agency, South Dakota. Photo by C.G. Morledge.

1 comment:

  1. Where were they when the Wounded Knee Massacre took place - How long before? Maybe only months. December 1890. At least twenty US soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor for turning Hotchkiss guns, gatling guns and howitzers firing canister at all angles. From my balanced reading of the situation, literally all of the US soldiers who died, did so from 'friendly fire' since they had themselves in a crossfire.

    My sense is that these may be Wounded Knee survivors, and thus were photographed.

    Those in the photo appear to be Miniconjou Lakota from the hair and style of dress (but I am not an expert in these matters and may be wrong).
