Wednesday, May 7, 2014

My week, so far, in five seconds


  1. But CW!!! It's only Wednesday!!

    1. Lou, you know how these things can go! But maybe my luck has changed. I just found a dusty ammo can in the garage, and when I opened it it was full of gun show 9mm Luger. That was good!

    2. As an example you would appreciate, when I got to the office this morning, things were in an uproar. Bill went on vacation, and before he left, he decided to fiddle with his email so when an incoming email arrived, the software would automatically send the message, "Bill is on vacation and will get back to you soon." Unfortunately, the genius somehow told his email to send out that message to all emails, basically everything he had ever read that he hadn't deleted. People were getting 30 - 40 emails from Bill about his vacation attached to emails he had read months ago. Then, the software somehow teed up all the emails in the system, even from other employees. By the time we caught it, it had lined up SEVEN THOUSAND EMAILS, and was biting off 150 at a time to respond to. When we finally stopped the madness, I needed a big scotch and soda, but mostly the scotch.

      That was just today.
