Thursday, May 1, 2014

I say there was voting fraud here!

I wouldn't be caught dead on the Red Planet dressed in this thing.

At least decide whether you are going to wear long pants or short pants.

Apparently NASA decided that the look of their new spacesuit would be determined by a vote.  Look at the results!  This is why democracies die.

With 233,431 votes, the "Technology" option has won NASA's Z-2 Spacesuit design challenge with just over 63% of the total vote. This design now will be incorporated into the final version of the suit, which is expected to be ready for testing by November 2014.
NASA's Z-2 suit is the newest prototype in its next-generation spacesuit platform, the Z-series. With the agency laser focused on a path to Mars, work to develop the technologies astronauts one day will use to live and work on Mars has already begun. Each iteration of the Z-series will advance new technologies that one day will be used in a suit worn by the first humans to step foot on the Red Planet.