Thursday, May 8, 2014

First harvest

The wife just now came in from the backyard, and showed me these carrots and radishes, which are the first harvest for this year.   The carrots actually overwintered from last year, and taste surprisingly good in spite of their rather craggy appearance. Hopefully this is a harbinger of good stuff to follow.  I especially want the tomatoes to do well, but we will see.


  1. Good news! I like stuff like this.

  2. I have similar results with my carrots. Left over from a fall plot, they are gnarly, pale, but taste great! Built a raised bed garden and filled it with top soil/mushroom compost mix.

  3. Grate those little cuties up and use as a garnish on top of a salad! Mmmm!

  4. Dad can't garden any more but I planted some half barrels with a few things, that he can just go out on the patio and water and gather. I hope he has some nice looking tidings as you did.
