Thursday, April 17, 2014


Via Small Dead Animals, Harry Reid's Facebook page goes terribly, terribly wrong.

A sample: "PRISON!!!PRISON!!!PRISON!!!>>>>Hopefully he hangs himself!!"

Another sample: Harry is a lying, disgusting piece of garbage!

Wow.  It's hard to imagine how unpopular Mr. Reid must be in Nevada, a generally freedom valuing state, to garner this level of hostility.  Looks like the standoff with the rancher, and his subsequent comments, have spectacularly backfired.


  1. What a wonderful idea! Go to their FaceBook and Twitter pages and start to give 'em hell!

    1. They really are with Harry Reid. I've never seen such venom.

  2. As long as the Democrats can manipulate the system so that his opponent is someone like Sharron Angle (a la Christine O"Donnell, such as the NYT 'endorsing' McCain or Romney and then targeting them after the nomination), people like Reid will stay.
