Thursday, January 16, 2014

John Boehner gets an earful when he brandishes the constitution on his facebook page in response to Obama's threat to rule by fiat.

Read all the comments here.  It must be quite educational for him to him to feel all the love expressed there.

Honestly, is the "Republican" base any more angry and disgusted with their leadership in Congress?  I can understand why there is no impeachment, as it would die immediately in Harry Reid's Senate, but still, the pressure is really building.  Obama and the Democrats have really brought the country together, haven't they?


  1. Read all the comments here. It must be quite educational for him to him to feel all the love expressed there.

    Ow! That must hurt and rightly so, traitor.

    1. He needs to grow a pair, and then use them. Knut Gingrich, for all his faults, would be knocking heads and taking names now if he were in power.
