Thursday, January 16, 2014

A dumbed down electorate and a bought and paid for media explains this shit.


  1. Nixon did not wiretap a hotel room. Nor was a room wiretapped as an official act of his administration. Nor was it done at his request. Nixon's crime was covering for those who did. But his real sin was being staunchly anti-communist. There is only one criminal in this picture montage.

    Now compare the number of times the Obama administration has broken the law and the number of times that Obama has covered for them. I'll wait.

    And Hillery was on the prosecution team against Nixon.


  2. And Hillary's boss on the prosecution team fired her for lying and attempting to mislead Congress. It's amazing that she still has a career outside a prison cell.

  3. I'm from the Future, just wait until 2019 and you'll see whoObama and his minions spied on, and they even tried to frame and Impeach him too. Spolier Alert 2020 gets even worse.
