Friday, August 9, 2013

I couldn't stop laughing....

Witness this screen grab I saw somewhere from that now famous anti Obama video by Egyptian belly dancer Sama El Masry.

I don't know if the funny comes from the grimly determined look on her face, the silly picture of the One she says she wants to puncture, the blade that looks like she stole it straight from the pharaohs, or the right up front nature of the text: "Stop this or I will stab you!"

Gotta love a woman who straight up tells you how she feels!  I'll bet any relationship with Sama would eventually end up with someone's blood getting spilled, but until that point you'd have a heck of a crazy good time.

No beating around the bush there!  Yep, I'm still chuckling.


  1. The crazier women are, the better they are in bed. That's not scientific by any means. Simply a personal observation.
