Sunday, April 6, 2014

A quick update on the missing Malaysian flight 370

As you may have heard, a Chinese search ship has now picked up two faint pings at the correct frequency for the black box from the missing plane.  The location is shown below, nearly right on top of the arc plotted by the Inmarsat people (see the yellow tack).  Other search assets are on the way, but we are reaching the end of the battery life for the black box, so progress needs to be made in the next 24 to 48 hours.

Further, another search ship about 300 km away also heard a pick at the correct frequency, once only.  Which is correct?  Hopefully the next few days will tell the tale.

Interestingly, the black box transmits at 37.5 KHz, which was specifically chosen because nothing else natural or man made uses that frequency.  Thus, if they hear something there, they know it has to be from the box.


  1. still tracking -

  2. 37.5 Khz surprises me as it doesn't propagate nearly as far as a lower freq. would. Below 5 Khz would be better, and could be pulsed coded to avoid confusion with other emissions. The lower the better.
