Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Say what you will about Jorge Bush, he's a good man and a patriotic American who loves his country.

“This is the first time he’s been back here since he was buying the ranch,” said Donald Citrano, the owner of the Coffee Shop Café.
“Everybody here cheered and loved he was here.”
That included McGregor resident Debbie Hubbard, her husband, Jordan, and their three kids, Jenae, 11, Avery, 9, and Jarrett, 6. The Hubbard family stopped Saturday night at the local café for the very first time after Debbie decided she didn’t want to cook.
“It was one of those moments where you’re going ‘oh my gosh that was the president’ but at the same time it was like everyone’s grandpa walked in,” Debbie said.
Debbie said the former president took time to visit with every diner before leaving, but there was one conversation she overheard from a soldier eating at a table next to her that she won’t soon forget.
“There was another young couple he turned to and the man was in the army,” Debbie said. “He told him ‘it was an honor to serve you’ and President Bush said ‘thank you for your service, but you didn’t serve me, you served your country.”
Debbie said she’s glad her family got the chance to experience the once-in-a-lifetime encounter, even if it takes her kids a few years to appreciate it. 
“What you see is what you get with Bush,” Debbie said. “In a down-home country café saying hi to everyone. The graciousness was so classy.”
Meanwhile, another ex president hob nobs with the super rich, kicking back in hyper exclusive tourist resorts, certainly not in Texas cafes frequented by ordinary folks with jobs and kids and such.


  1. President Bush is just that kind of guy, an "everyman" type of person. President Obama is also that type, as long as everyman is a multimillionaire with a private island.

  2. Post nicely done. I'd call the post high-minded.
