Friday, March 11, 2016

I instantly knew what these were, and to drive home the point below, I own a Buick.


  1. Just looking at the picture brought back the smell.

  2. I remember Greenie Stickems too.


  3. My friends and I use to use "torpedoes" that had a compartment for a cat. Toss 'em in the air, they landed nose down and BANG!

    Dang, the early 1950's were great. War Comics abounded and weren't censored either.

  4. After we got tired of playing cowboys and Indians we would tear a few caps off and put them in one of those little metal rocket ships and drop them out of a window. The sidewalks were always covered in burn marks.

  5. We'd pierce the dot with a sewing pin and accordion fold the next dot over the pin and so on until the pin was full, or you ran out of caps. Pack em all down tight, light the paper on fire.......POW! Homemade firecrackers......or "fffttttt" smokebomb if you didn't fold it precisely.
    The good old days.

  6. I'm older than dirt...there, are you satisfied?

    I used to love the smell of discharged caps.

  7. "I love the smell of caps in the morning. It smells like...childhood."

  8. Yup, born in '45 - and it wasn't until I was in my 50's that I made the connection between "caps" and "percussion caps," devised as a (unfortunately not-very-workable) primer system for Maynards, I think.

    Gee, and here I'd thought somebody just came up with that for little kids.
