Friday, March 18, 2016

North American T-28B Trojan


  1. They are still flying with the Mexican Air Force.

  2. Had a bunch of these still in everyday service when I was on my first tour of duty in Yuma, AZ. Amazing, huge radial engine.

  3. Sure looks like a smile face on the hub.

  4. I used to do a lot of work at Whiting Field in Milton Fl. back in the 60's....fell in love with these planes, and I was always sorry to see them pass into history....I remember talking to a flight instructor one day and I asked how it was going....he said "We haven't left one up there yet"....T-28's had a mystique about them....

  5. In mid-seventies I was a CAP cadet, we had 2 in Kenai, AK, Great planes very well suited to SAR.
