“We don’t have ranches any more; just windmill and pasture projects. These dipping vats, bah! We used to have to dip some of the punchers but never the cattle. I tried for awhile to fall in with the their new-fangled ways but when they got to roundin’ up and herdin’ in Ford cars I thought it was about time for a first class cowman to take out, so I guess I’m what you’d call retired. Just the same, the cow business ain’t what it used to be to the old timers and I’m not the only one who says that, either. Everything else changes though, so guess we’ll just have to get used to that like we do other things and if we can’t get used to it, quit.” - interview of Cowboy L.M. Cox by Elizabeth Doyle in San Antonio on November 22, 1937.
hmmm, never met a Cowman that retired...