Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Here are some ladies that would know what to do with Cecil the Lion.


  1. Yeah - Iran is getting the bomb, so they can bomb those JOOOOOOOHHHHS; Greece is leading the way over the Euro financial cliff; the Muslims are killing Christians and non-believers wherever they can; the U.S. is on the brink of a 2nd Civil War; Planned Parenthood(am I the only one who sees the evil irony in that name?) is chopping fetuses in some kind of sick twisted body parts for sale scheme - - and Cecil the Lion is what has gotten everyone's panties in a bind?!?
    Here's a newsflash for you - it's a fucking lion, and it would eat you for dinner without a second thought. There's more then a few thousand to replace it. Get over it.

  2. Oh, and picture #2. I've always had a thing for brunettes!
