Thursday, March 8, 2012

Looks like Obama and his minions are working their plan to destroy the US to a tee.  The US has now recorded it's worst monthly deficit in history.

Why Americans stand for their country to be turned into Detroit is beyond me.  Things better change in November, or more prudent states like Texas are going to secede purely as a matter of self preservation.

And all that borrowed money? What do you think of 7 million of it used to hire 250 foreign workers to take Oregon logging jobs?

How about these additional examples?  The people that cause this stuff should be jailed, plain and simple, as an example to others, if for no other reason.  Further, this abuse comes from the government distributing money they have taken from taxpayers, which would not happen if it were limited in it's ability to do this as per the constitution.  It is high time we in this country went back to basics, and left all this boondogglery behind forever.

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