Thursday, September 14, 2017

Israeli Army Chicks


  1. Replies
    1. MAY? Come on LL I'm definitely in love and with some lust thrown in! Trouble is they're young and armed and I'm a 75 year old goat.

    2. Yes -- sigh -- that is the problem, isn't it?

  2. It's scenes such as this that underscores the cultural divide in the Mideast. Contrast the smiling, outgoing demeanor of these young women with those who are hidden by dark clothing, never to be touched by the light of day. One group is like a sunflower; the other reminds me of black mold one finds in a dank basement.

    1. Well said! I totally agree, and just love sunflowers (though I'm too old to pick 'em, sigh.)

    2. That is exactly right. I might add that the identical contrast may be drawn between healthy/conservative/country-raised/Catholic/Mormon/Evangelical/you-name-it American kids - and the neurotic/angry/unhappy-at-any-cost young lefties.

  3. During Desert Storm I got a 3 day R&R at the Intercon in Tel Aviv. I had a female IDF as my escort during the day and another during the evening. Gorgeous women, armed to the teeth, there to protect me - I felt very special. Total platonic arm candy to make sure I also didn't get out of line. Nora and Rachel made the hell of Kuwait worth it.

    1. You're a lucky man! Still, you deserved an escort of Amazons. Thank your for your service!

      (Never had any warrior maiden escort when I was overseas- but I was in Germany, where the pursuit of wine, women and song was a lot easier- and far less hazardous!- than in Kuwait!)
