Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Good ad by Ted Cruz

Reminds me of Reagan's "There's a bear in the woods..." ad.  Short, non PC, and effective.


  1. I have a death stalker scorpion, encased in lucite, that is my front transfer case shift knob. It glows in the dark. But it's dead, and a trophy of sorts.

    Dead is good.

    1. Sounds pretty cool.

      I wonder why in the ad, Ted ( I presume it's Ted) walks up in his ostrich skin cowboy boots from Texas, and then doesn't crush the scorpion. I was anticipating a satisfying crunch!

    2. There are some potentially good (R) candidates, none of them are named Donald or Jeb. We need to vet those candidates. IMHO

  2. CW, if he did crush the critter (a harmless species some folks keep for pets) the enviroweenies and PETA pansies would be all over his ass!

    1. Yep, but maybe that would be a feature, and not a bug (...not a bug, heh!). The Donald is where he is these days by sticking it in the PC eye like no one else.
