Thursday, January 31, 2013

John Kerry has just been confirmed as Secretary of State, and already he is up to trouble.  Can anything, really, be any more craven and destructive than this statement:

  "Kerry and Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-California) have proposed a new draft for a cap-and-trade bill with exceedingly stringent restrictions on carbon emissions. During a hearing on the bill, Kerry made the astounding statement that the recession has been the environment’s best friend, and he couldn’t be happier about it:
Let me emphasize something very strongly as we begin this discussion. The United States has already this year alone achieved a 6 percent reduction in emissions simply because of the downturn in the economy, so we are effectively saying we need to go another 14 percent."

  Ok then, let's everyone in the government shrink the economy again just to pander to the proponents of a non existent problem.

With purposely destructive people like President Obama and John Kerry in control of government, a huge contraction in the economy is guaranteed.  As Kerry says, it's a feature, not a bug.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of Bastiat's Broken Window.
