Sunday, December 1, 2024

Musk City, Mars



  1. Nobody is going to Mars. Just this decade's space grift.

  2. Of course I will accept as fact "Nobody is going to Mars." From an anonymous poster w/o mentioning his background in physics, engineering, etc., etc. Why do people post such worthless garbage?

    1. 👆🏻👍🏻

    2. ... so says the anonymous poster. If we have yet to go to the moon (very debatable), how are we getting to Mars? I'm sure you've seen the "moon landing" videos. They're rather humorous... Multiple light sources casting shadows in different directions, who took video of the lander blasting off?, etc.

    3. Kindly explain the laser reflectors findable for 55 years now. And the footprint trails at six landing sites, visible from space in recent fly-by pics.

      Stop peddling junk sci-fi scripts (Capricorn One) as credible.

    4. And BTW, those are skyboxes at the Sarlacc Pit. ;)

  3. Because to dream about slipping the surly bonds of earth has always been a dream of mankind and a noble one at that and because to dream such a thing is not only a noble thing, but a thing that is done by those who want to know more, see more, and possibly experience more, far more than those that sit back in the comfort of their armchairs and criticize those who dare to dream, attempt, and per chance to succeed.

  4. And besides Anonymous, nothing is a fact until proven so, and even though criticism is included in free speech, it should be concise and make sense. Your criticism, although it is your right, is neither. It's also sad that someone with a strong and opinionated statement has to hide behind that anonymous label. If you believe in what your stating, at least identify yourself with a pseudo-name like so many of us do. Talk such as yours is cheap and tawdry at best.

    1. Consider that for eons has man yearned to fly. Then finally with the ability, government has so heavily regulated the practice as to keep it the stuff of dreams.

      When and where and how has become the domain of government. I dare say that anytime in the last fifty years the Wright Bros. would have encountered sufficient headwinds to consider their endeavor too great a task.

      Flight to Mars must overcome the unnatural force of government as much as the natural laws of physics.

    2. You live in one of the few countries of the world where just about any one who can read and write and do arithmetic and has a moderate income can learn to fly and get pilot's license. Get out and do it.

  5. Personally, I wouldn't build the city in the bottom of a pit. Earthquakes might cause the walls to cave in.

  6. Well, maybe Elon would mount it on huge rubber/silicon pads to absorb the tremors and devise a force field over it. Who knows what the future holds!

  7. Since Mars has a very weak magnetosphere, any permanent dwelling site would be beneficially underground. Otherwise, exposure to solar radiation would be pretty harsh.

  8. This is not happening in our kids lifetimes.

    A one way trip to Mars takes about 10 months. A round trip takes over 2 years. Trips are not possible any day. You have to wait until both Earth and Mars are in the right position in their respective orbits to take the jump. Today there are no machines (spaceships) that could send humans and significant cargo to Mars. How would you go about building something like this without tools, machines, etc? If you had a fleet of spaceships capable of flying to Mars it would still take years if not decades to fly all the resources to Mars.

    Finally Elon Musk and SpaceX have done some very impressive thigs but reality is that they have done nothing that NASA has not been doing for decades. SpaceX is NASA's delivery boy, they are not in the exploration business and that is OK. Reusable rockets are impressive but it is all about lowering the cost of sending stuff into orbit (not traveling beyond earth's orbit).
    SpaceX is a business, businesses need positive return on investments. Business exist to make a money. Exploration by it's very nature is highly risky, most often these risks can't be quantified (we don't know what we will find). If Musk were to go to SpaceX's board of directors and said we need to spend XYZ Billion dollars to build a machine that can send people, tools and machines to Mars. Then we will spend ABC Billions paying people to risk their lives traveling to an uninhabitable planet where many of them will likely die. The first question that anyone would ask Musk is: How do we make money going to Mars? (SpaceX is a business!). To which the answer would be, we DON'T make money. If Mars was made of gold we would loose money going there to get it!

    The only way anything like this remotely has a chance of happening is if a nation decides that it is in their geopolitical interest to fund such an enterprise. Once people have gone to Mars, bases have been built and resources are available, etc, etc, etc... then and only then can private enterprises (SpaceX) jump in and make a buck.

    1. It's fun to watch someone blow off Musk & talk about what he can't do.

    2. "We" (((THEY))) already have free "Tesla" energy from everywhere. (((THEY))) are already off world for their own nefarious reasons. It's also, faster than light. Faster than light is just one of those "Forbidden Knowledge" things the Satanic/Illuminati/Masonic, evil phuquers have that "we" don't need. With free energy, you give up control over the masses. Why would they do that?

    3. Yes! The Satanic/Illiminati/Masonic/Lizard people can build a city like this in a week. It is just that "they" don't want "us" to know that it can be done! As soon as all the frogs are turned gay by fluorine in water "they" will start sending "then" to mars. That is the plan; colonize Mars with gay frogs!

      Wake up sheeple!

  9. The sooner Musk blasts off for Mars the better.
