Saturday, August 31, 2024

Rio Santiago Poison Frog (Excidobates captivus), family Dendrobatidae, NW Peru


Wonder what city that is


Lots of options. One: after age 59, no property tax on your primary residence. No property tax before that can be more than one half percent.




Tight Fit


Cute little fatty tires



Well, sorta interesting, but no.


Panhard Dyna Z Pick-Up, 1954. Panhard didn’t market a pick-up version of the Dyna Z until 1958 (the D65) however in 2017 a coachbuilder took a Dyna Z 4-door saloon and converted it into a restomod pick-up with a slide-out tray that Panhard never made.

An Open Road Special: CaƱon de Uchco, Peru

Here You Go


                            Cowboy Hat Holder for Trucks

Have a smile this morning


Looks like it's over for Bob


Concept, but that windscreen....Nope!




Kids love snow cones


Lots of stars in this flick


Solid car right there


It's a start




Do not ski to the edge


Zion Narrows?




Get in and drive


Friday, August 30, 2024

Dr. Neil Frank And Hurricanes

She loves her airplane


Thanks, GW

We're all gonna die.


In the name of Adobe, the Reader and the Writer.

Adobe, the fourth largest religion, apparently.


Just Below The Snow Line




Mighty clean work station


Extra Power If Needed


TEOTWAWKI Survival Buggy


Aerial View Of Amsterdam, Netherlands


Everyone needs something like this in their backyard. Or two. Or three.


The Weekend - Almost Here!


These horses would probably appreciate a barn


MS Bard, a Hybrid-Electric Catamaran operating through the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway


A Busy Commuter Train comes to a Halt, West Bengal, India


The Weekend Approaches.


Very modern in style. A face from the distant past.


Detail of statue of pharaoh Amenemhat III in the shape of a Sphinx-This statue of Amenemhat III was carved in the shape of a sphinx; joining a human head with a lion’s body. This particular statue was part of a larger group of statues of the king, which were probably placed in the temple of Bastet, the cat goddess, at Bubastis in the Delta.

That Hair...



Rule, Britannia


May I take your hat, sir?


The depth of character here.  I'd buy her a drink and enjoy the conversation.

Matsumoto Castle, Nagano, Japan,


Or, more accurately, the perception/appreciation of beauty is enhanced by imperfection.


Screaming Bear (Bjƶrk) by Jean Baptiste Mondino, 2002


Swimming Pool, Drawing I, by Laurence Jones, 2024


That's LA in the background.  The vibe of this image is unmistakable.

Big Bear Ain't Happy