Thursday, September 12, 2024

Why the B-52 is outliving newer bombers


  1. In part its because certain folks in society see the word "defense" in the Constitution and will OPPOSE ANY AND ALL constraints on military spending, regardless of how wasteful, ridiculous, preposterous, etc. Until that blind, ignorant mentality can be wiped from the minds of these folks, and they start screaming about the waste and spending, no headway will EVER be made in trying to end the endless flow of cash to well-connected arms merchants in the US who know that they can take as long as they want, waste as much money as they want, etc. Subcontracting virtually EVERY part of the monstrosity they are building in such a manner that a subcontractor ends up in nearly EVERY congressional district also helps. The B-52 came around when this criminal crony-capitalist waste system was only in its infancy so is actually a good plane.

  2. This is actually very simple. Cost.

  3. It was ridiculously overbuilt which means endless capacity for improvements.

  4. Same reason the TU-95 is still flying in the Russian Air Force, long legs, heavy load.

  5. Back when the engineers were in control at Boeing.
    I wonder how far the B52J with the new Rolls-Royce/BMW engines will be able to fly without refuelling?

  6. The B-52 was not designed and built by DEI hires working under 21st century government constraints.

  7. I used to be wakened at about 2 AM on Bien Hoa in '68 with my bed walking across the floor. Arc light. Bombing just north of the base. My bunk was on the north side of the second floor of my barracks. I'd sit up and watch the explosions march across from the north-west to the north-east. Once in awhile I'd see them go over headed north during the day. spicy times
