Friday, May 31, 2024

Imagine the winter living there



  1. This is the “I hate everyone” house of a serious isolationist.

  2. Probably no vegans living there! Its a different life for sure. Got to eat lots of high energy high fat food if your any kind of outdoorsman. Bet the fishing right off your front door is excellent. Real fresh seafood minutes old. Fabulous eating. Best fude in the world. Nothing like it to help keep you fit and healthy. My grand pop had a lobster boat off the coast near Machias Maine. Fresh caught lobster, scallops, muscles, couple times a year he would take us out when the mackerels be running, go for Cod, and the finest eating if all when its hours old, Halibut. Fresh Halibut, really fresh, still wiggling, tastes like lobster tail but better. Pop had a pretty good set up galley, just so you could gobble down such toothsome delicacies. Nothing can compare. We fished for squid too, and thats also the best cooked up fresh. Pop brought up a 12lb Lobster, before regulations had you put those old breeders back, we had to use a couple pound sledge to crack the claws and arms, cooked that baby up in a big dutch oven on the stove top in straight butter. Talk about rich, a lobster like that size has a lot of "fat" inside, the "calamary," lobster liver, is to die for.

    1. Now you're talking. Fresh fish right over the rail and straight to the grill. No ka oe!
      In Hawaii, we were so poor we had to eat lobster. True story.

    2. We was too, but grab a bucket and shovel, dig little neck clams, pick muscles, go back make a couple gallons of chowder with veggies from the garden, no money buys that.

    3. Us sea people traded with the ranchers. They got sea creatures, we got milk and eggs and vegetables and chicken and eggs. Every one happy.

    4. When moved to Florida, we e traded fish and crab for buckets of shrimp. Then buckets of shrimp for vegetables and beef.

      When moved to CA, we traded sea creatures like in Hawaii til government say no more. I harvested oysters and clams and mussels but the buckets. No one out fished me (not a boast, it is fact) so we had fish. Plus diving for lobster, scallops, and abalone. Sometimes octopus.
      Instead of veal parmigiana, we had abalone parmigiana. Hoo boy!

  3. Is that an air conditioner on the side?

    1. Yeah, when it gets to a sweltering 50 American.
