Wednesday, May 29, 2024



  1. That is about the amount of energy you are going to get out if it.

    1. While you argue against stleted science and engineering wind is growing its share of the global energy production. Denmark powers about 40% of its grid with wind. The US and China lead the world in total wind power capacity.

      Keep fighting the windmills. Don Quijote would be proud of your valiant efforts...

    2. Exhibit A: how to spot a combination wind/douchebag

    3. 👆🏻👆🏻yup

    4. Your stleted science is wishful thinking.

    5. If you think the 'settled' science is wishful thinking, just wait'll you try to settle your power bill, there. In Denmark, residential electricity is 4x what I pay for it in Texas. In addition to all that wind power, they're blowing smoke.

    6. The amount of what you don't know about this subject matter seems staggering!
      Remind me again... How many people have died in Denmark because the power grid failed? Their grid is 99.99% reliable. The average Danish consumer loses 40 minutes of power per year.
      Can we say the same thing about Texas? Not only Texas is nowhere near Denmark it is the WORST state in the Union for power reliability.

      At the same time Texas' taxpayers subsidize energy to the tune of tens of billions of dollars per year... Are you aware that that means that YOU are paying the energy companies not just through your bill but also through your taxes?
      In summary: Your true energy bill in Texas is a LOT more than you think it is and in return you GET to lose power and freeze to death or die of heatstroke several times a year while Ted Cruz spends time in Cancun!
      Seems like a great deal to me!

  2. pretend jump rope and pretend that those things are viable.

    1. Wait until she hears that those can cause cancer and somehow kill whales!

  3. That's pretty funny and someone is enjoying life.

    1. I bet she would always be a fun person to be around.
