Thursday, September 26, 2024

Wow. Go straight to the nearest church, fall on your knees and thank your God you're still alive and uninjured.



  1. And, perhaps, pull the driver of the left-turning car out, make sure he or she is okay, and then punch them in the mouth for making a left turn into oncoming traffic and almost killing all of you.

    If they're impaired rather than sober, crippling them would be justifiable.

    "His face must have slammed into the steering wheel several dozen times before you got here, officer. I have no idea why a hunk of hair from the back of his head is missing."

    1. it looks as though the left-turning driver may have had a left turn signal; the problem may lie with the driver speeding thru the intersection (trying to make the light?)

    2. Not wanting to cite the other driver for obvious reckless driving from speed alone? It takes a lot of speed to transfer that much energy. Furthermore that car never hit its brakes and likely the driver did not see the left turning car due to inattention. That being said the left turning car should have at least waited for the pedestrians to cross. Lots of ways to avoid that accident.

  2. Leading cause of motorcycle fatalities: Women in minivans.

  3. If I were one of the three pedestrians, I would most likely pick up a big rock and nail the left turning vehicle's driver in the cabasa.

    1. Now that I look at the video again, it appears as if the cars to the center of the road have stopped at the red light and the idiot driving way over speed limit is running the red light. Who knows if the left turner had a green arrow or not? And if that is the case, the pedestrians are walking against the red light as well.

  4. Daily driving in Virginia. Worst place I have lived. Bad mix of locals, yankees, and foreigners.

  5. Daily driving in Virginia. Worst place I have lived. Bad mix of locals, yankees, and foreigners.
