Saturday, September 28, 2024

Be Prepared



  1. Replies
    1. My guess is that it is a 10 liter can. If I remember correctly, there are 3.184 liters in a gallon. If I’m right about that then 10 liters rounds to 3.2 gallons.

    2. but of course👍

    3. Seems like my memory is faulty. Maybe it’s a 12 liter can?

    4. ---'cuz them chinamen is tryin' to fool ya-------

  2. 75% off only $34.99

  3. When I lived in an area that was prone to hurricane-induced power failures that precluded my well water pump from working, I would fill the bathtub with water. We also had our swimming pool for real emergencies and maybe bathing. The only really horrible hurricane that almost did us in was SANDY. That was 14 days without power.

    Now that I live in a fairly calm part of Colorado, I have a 100-gallon water tank that I can use if necessary. ***Knock Wood*** There have been zero need so far.
