Monday, September 23, 2024



  1. Unclear on the concept. King, bunch of dead guys? What?

  2. One of the kings in Bohemia. A divided land, lots of skulduggery afoot. This one was murdered by his brother.
    A common thread in the tapestry of the rise and fall of empires and lesser fiefs.

    Shown is he and his followers are asleep.
    He became a patron saint. One of several known as Vaclav.

  3. Google translates the German of the title as "The Wenceslas Knights in Blanik Mountain", which when searched leads to "The famous Czech legend of the Knights of Blanik tells of an army of knights sleeping in a cave in Blanik, a mountain not far from Prague. It states that the knights will awake and be led by a saint to save the country when it faces its darkest hour." Pretty cool.
