Saturday, September 21, 2024

Knees in the breeze, Baby!



  1. My uncle was a paratrooper in WWII with the 101st. The first time he jumped out of an airplane, was also the first time he was ever in an airplane. 17 years old and all balls.

  2. yeah. and those damn jump boots. worthless in the field, unless you had them resoled and they leak like crazy when wet. but you didn't break your ankle !
    most guys who did break a leg, it was always above the boot.

    1. yeah, do to a screw up (on my part), I ended up doing a road march in jump boots, tore the crap out of my feet.

    2. the trick I was taught with jump boots was to get them really wet like soaked
      in the sink for a hour or so. put on 2 pairs of socks and wear them for a while, go up and down steps helps a lot to break them it, after wearing them until they almost dry- sort of anyway. let them sit and dry out.
      then oil them or use mink oil on them. and get them resoled too.
      back in the 1970's it was the lugged sole by Virbam (?) not sure anymore as it was a but ago now. but anything was better than the sole they came with ! what you ended up with was a lot better than the standard "leg" boot. long time ago, 1/503 PIR

  3. A friend of mine earned his Combat Jump Wings in the first wave into Grenada. I guess Combat Jump Wings are getting hard to come by at this point.
