Monday, June 26, 2023

Ahmed! How many time do we have to tell you? Grip the AK firmly when you fire it into the sky!



  1. That dude (I know, assumption) in the middle in the dark outfit was not bothered at all. Only turned his head to look at the hole in the wall. 🤣

  2. Met an Iraqi doctor some years back who was telling me about the wounds he had treated due to some of those "celebrations". What goes up, must come down.

  3. BRASS - Breath-Relax-Aim-Slack-Squeeze.

  4. Lol, the way the others reacted to near miss was hilarious. Like this happened very often.

  5. Reminds me of my local public (unsupervised) range on a busy weekend, where alcohol and firearms DO mix. It's almost as risky as an Arab wedding celebration.

  6. I want an RPG, no reason for the Arabs having all the fun.

  7. shoots like a bitch with arm strength of a 3 yo

  8. I almost never go to public ranges because of that. I was at a range recently with a well-trained RSO, and, even there, there was a guy muzzle-sweeping everyone, and the RSO just talked to him and let it go. The guy was being careless enough (and old enough to know better) that only a lifetime ban would have made sense.
