Thursday, January 4, 2024

No idea, might be a good thing



  1. Fair, at best,,,,, they get tiresome/old real quick, but would certainly beat nothing in a pinch.

    1. Small, gotta double up. Next morning your anus will whimper.

  2. As grandpaw used to say; It ain't great but it will make a turd.

  3. They're pretty good. The reason I stopped using them is Sodium at 650mg

  4. Pretty expensive for what you get but quick and easy.

  5. Not much food for the cost. Not really that tasty but I have only eaten one particular selection. It is what it is till it ain't no more!

  6. They need a LOT of seasoning help and, as stated, are spendy, but they’re small, light & reasonably edible. i’ve never seen them sold by the case….

  7. Cheap (at least at Walmart) and easy. Portions are sort of smallish.
    And they don't keep all that well. Maybe a year or two at best. They tend to dry out and thicken up. And agree with the preference to spice them up some way.

  8. Not too expensive from Walmart, and they keep forever at room temperature. I have a few in my truck toollbox for if I get hungry on the road. I also have a bunch at home for troubled times.

  9. They're OK. I kept a couple of them in my desk at work in case I had to work through lunch and hadn't brought anything in (or had been called in without time to grab anything to bring in). Better than C-RATS (which isn't saying a lot I know). Biggest downside is you need access to a microwave to heat them up.

  10. I kept a number of these in the SCIF at Kelly Barracks during Balkans conflict, I ate them cold because I could not leave for 12, 15 hours at a watch. Decent, better warm. Not sure how long you can store in a cool shelter.

  11. As an over the road trucker I've eaten lots of these. They are fast and easy, decent but not great.

  12. From one of the filthiest meat companies ever...

  13. Got some stashed, different varieties but most taste fairly bad. Won't kill you but the meager portion won't want you to eat more than one. Shelf life isn't that long, about one year so you will be eating these or waste your money.

  14. I used to keep a box of these in my sailboat, for just in case.
    Not bad seasoned heavily, but way too much salt.

  15. Hormel mystery meat.

  16. Had a chicken and dumpling yesterday for lunch. Made it about 4 bites I before the rest went onto the trash.

  17. Those are the saltiest things I've ever been offered as "food". Worse than MREs, worse than Spam musubi, worse than my wife's cooking!

  18. I ate one of those about a month ago. Never again YUK!

  19. Zero stars.
    Tried once.
    Do not recommend.

  20. Highly processed unhealthy muck.

  21. I couldn't finish one. Neither could my dog.
