Saturday, June 18, 2022

Another weird early helicopter



  1. Replies
    1. Nut? Maybe, but compared to Joe Biden he was a Saint.

    2. Montgolfiers were nuts. Wrights were nuts. Dumont was a special case. de Havilland was certifiable. Lots of nuts in aviation.

      But you're an idjut.

  2. H-1. 128' rotor span. Or maybe its 148'. In any case very big. Used ram jets mounted near the tips. That's Mr. Hughes front and center.

  3. every time Hughes built a machine meeting government requirements he got ridiculed something terrible. did the government drones that issued the ridiculous requirements that created the conditions for such machines ever get any criticism at all? No. they did not. his best brainchild was the Lockheed Constellation airliner in the late 1930s which was a great commercial success. He had them designed to his specifications and built for his newly acquired TWA company to fly, aircraft which the government promptly took from him as WW2 began.

  4. Have a conversation with an IT engineer that does contract work for .gov.
    NOTHING has changed.

  5. To me it looks like a design to lift military containers. Hughes was paranoid but not a nut, and a brilliant engineer on top of that. And he was screwed multiple times by his own government (like above mentions - nothing has changed - see Elon Musk and his spaceport, they are making it harder for him to do stuff, not easier).

  6. XH-17
