Thursday, September 30, 2021

American financier and banker J.P. Morgan being held back after threatening a photographer with his walking stick. New York, 1910.



  1. His anger is more than likely because Morgan had some condition that left his nose lumpy and ugly as seen in this photo and insisted on any public photos being air brushed first.

  2. He looks pissed-off alright. Probably because it rained, his hat shrunk and gave him a severe headache.

  3. One of the original evil bankers, should have had his ass kicked every time he was found in public.

  4. "All of this world's problems could be solved by taking 100 people out into
    the street and shooting them in the fvcking head..."

    1. That quote is seven years old and still applicable, perhaps even more so lately.

      I miss the depressed cabbie. Wonder what happened to him?

  5. Of course the people in power must have complete control over all of us, if even a single peon rebels the fissure will start.

  6. A couple of those Anonymous comments sound more like Trotsky or Lenin than someone utilizing evil Capitalist computers or smart phones to make communist comments via the evil Capitalist internet....

  7. Just a few short years before financing Lenin to the turn of $1 Mil.
