Tuesday, August 27, 2024

On the way to England



  1. Looks like me on the way to work on Monday morning....

  2. Shouldn't those rowers be facing the other way?

  3. Be carefull what you say after landing. You could wind up in jail.

  4. Sails up, oars in. And why are the oars going through some of the shields?
    I usually hate it when the first comment is "AI", but that's AI. I doubt a human artist would be that dumb.

    1. Yes, why did the person writing the prompt accept this version where so many things are obviously wrong after a quick glance? The scary thought is how many people will look at it and thing it is an reasonable and functional image of how a Viking longboat was manned or behaved on the water.

    2. If you look at it as a representation of a bunch of armed men coming to take your stuff and kill you it works really well.

    3. Of course it's AI. Or a painting. Not meant at all to be real. Relax!

    4. No one was suggesting real Vikings, though it could possibly be related to a still from the show "Vikings".
      Many illustrations are made to depict historical or fantasy scenes but Hal Foster or Frezetta would never have made those mistakes.

    5. Rick T-
      Because the guy who ordered the pic didn't know about it either?

  5. AI crap. If a human did this they'd be laughed at. "oh, it's AI give it a break" Crap is Crap. Once a fake becomes reality, is anything real?

  6. Ah-ah, ah!
    Ah-ah, ah!

    Ah-ah, ah!
    Ah-ah, ah!
