Friday, July 19, 2024

Hey, everyone, gather round. Let's hire based on appearance and/or membership in a grievance group! Forget merit, this will work! I promise!



  1. Embrace DEI.... brick a billion computers. How ironic, a concept that unfortunately is beyond the grasp of DEI leftists.

    1. Computers non-functional at work this morning. By lunch about half of their function restored. We'll see how much we have by the end of the day. Thanks Crowdstrike!

    2. Ditto. Went to work last night, whole multi-hospital's computers dwon since 2200 Thursday.
      Didn't come back up until 0300 today.

      They should have named their company Airstrike.
      That would be closer to the mark.

  2. Extinction level event for Crowdstrike.... I just set a stop-loss order with my broker.

  3. Switched to Macs in 2011. No regrets and am online

    1. Switched in 2009 and my blood pressure and rage at Microsoft was cured.

  4. DEI is such horseshit. I am sad at how far the US has sank in common sense.

    1. DEI is perhaps a good idea for a barista or the front counter at Mickey D's, but for a brain surgeon, Secret Service agent or cyber security, notsomuch.

  5. And American women are stupid to wanna be muslim. Stupid as can be.

  6. Back in 96 I worked for a division of Dunn & Bradstreet Software when they announced a diversity in management program. I didn't get another promotion and the company went under in 2002. Fast forward to 2010 I was working for a division of Rockwell Collins when they a management diversity program. It took me a year and a half to find another job. Rockwell got bought out where it was chopped up and everything was sold off. Diversity is suicide for a company.


  7. I was passed over twice for a much deserved promotion to dei hires with significantly less experience. At one point a much higher up even told me it was my job to fix the dei mistakes or I’ll get scapegoated. So I left and EVERYONE was pissed (their golden goose was gone) and made my two remaining time a living hell.

  8. My code is good, no need to test it.

    1. 47 years of writing code. My frequent statement: "I write code for fun but get paid to fixed the bugs". Retired for six years. Still coding, again for fun, but I don't get paid for the fixes. 😇😂

  9. How's that global interruption going for 'ya ?
    I've experienced text and phone interruptions all week...

    1. Makes you really wish we were on a digital currency form of money......

  10. Crank out an update on a Friday, what the hell were they thinking?!

  11. At my former employer, the work contract for the IT department
    specified weekdays only, 9 AM to 5 PM. (don't ask...)
    The ships and associated employees were on the OFFSHORE domain, while all the VPs, managers, and other office weenies were on the ONSHORE domain.

    Well, sometime after 5 PM, the networks would invariably go down.
    If this happened on a Friday or sometime during the weekend, and the failure affected the OFFSHORE domain, all 14 of our ships lost telephone, email, FTP, etc. until after 9 AM on Monday.

    If, on the other hand, the ONSHORE domain went down, the VPs, etc. would "suggest" to IT that the issue be remedied immediately.

    Because the ship field service team I was part of knew and worked with the IT guys, we managed to get field service switched to the ONSHORE domain...

  12. First off, what the heck is that chattel doing out of the house?
    - Sheik Yerbouti

  13. Dress rehearsal for November 5th...

  14. Thanks for a free PTO day Crowdstrike!

  15. Crowdstrike is going to be sued out of business. Unless it's an intel front

  16. Probably what caused the massive outage. Or perhaps the outage was a test case?
