Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Buy a lottery ticket right now!



  1. Bad advice. He just burned up 5 years worth of good luck.

  2. Just a hunch but I'll bet that car arrived after the tree.
    Nice picture though.

  3. If it's real, he just missed replacing his beater.

  4. We had similar luck many years ago, when we were on vacation in Oklahoma City when Hurricane Dolly visited our town. The big mesquite tree in front yard was not blown down, but tilted dangerously which had a large branch. This branch came very close to resting on my truck cab, but passed behind it and not touching the metal bed tool box behind the window. No damage, I was even able to pull forward to remove the vehicle before I had to cut the branch off.

  5. Had a tree branch come down on the bed of my pick up. Would have crushed it but the branch fell across a stack of firewood at just the right height. Put just a small kink in the bed in one spot.
