Saturday, July 20, 2024



  1. I think Thomas Cook used one of those.

  2. That would be mighty handy for measuring the height of trees.
    We've got a Valley (Water) Oak on our place I estimate to be 105' tall. It would be great to know for sure.

    1. All those years in the woods and you never learned the tape measure/stick method? The tube has videos showing you how and it can be fairly accurate. Search "How to measure tree height."

    2. I leaned a triangulation method when I was a Boy Scout. That's how I figured it was 105' tall. It's a little different than the videos I see but amounts to the same thing.

    3. Number the length of the shadow of an object of known height. Now do the same of the tree. A few burnt brain cells later you should have your answer.

  3. I have the Bosch one. Use it a lot more than you'd think. Especially useful for inside corner measurements since it auto includes it's own length.

    1. I had been looking, not recently, and the plus or minus 1/8 inch wouldn't do it for carpentry. I assume they are more accurate now?

    2. If you require accuracy stick with your tape measure. These laser things are mostly toys.

    3. As usual, the goatslimer should stay in his mommys basement and let the men talk. My Bosch one is accurate to a 1/16th. It's already nearly 10 years old.. newer ones may be more accurate. 1/16th is plenty fine for most of my carpentry work.

    4. You are lying again and you wouldn't know which end of a hammer to hold onto.

  4. You $39.99 What is your commission? $26.71 on Ebay but you dont get a cut, eh??

    1. So what if he does. You seem to not understand commerce. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Move off.

  5. There are a couple of commenters here who seem to suffer OCD. The backwards hat thing annoys. That ghost guy who I've put up with since the days of Vanderleun also comes to mind. Just plain nasty. Must be sad to have no greater purpose in life than to annoy their fellows. Sorry. John Hinds

  6. what i want is some device that can measure distance through objects like trees and houses.
    a transmitter I can place somewhere and walk away and have it tell me how far away I am while im walking.

    up to about a hundred feet or so.
