Monday, June 24, 2024




  1. Dunno 'bout the speakers but the tt and receiver looks kind cool. The tonearm looks good for a changer. Wouldn't put a V15 Type III in it but not bad. Yeah, as an apt. set up prolly plays loud enuff so the neighbors will call the cops on ya. And after a few tokes the quality will be audiophile quality.

  2. Guessing mid to late sixties on this space age set up.

  3. I think that the equipment is Grundig, but I can’t be 100% certain. Definitely late 60s or early 70s. I always thought of Grundig’s design esthetics as being wannabe B&O, but less compelling somehow. As far as fidelity goes, they were very good. A good friend of mine’s family was military and spent time in West Germany in the very early 60s. He had a Grundig reel-to-reel machine that sounded excellent. I’m not sure if that was something they picked up at the PX or just on the local market. It was no Studer/Revox, but still quite good.
