Sunday, June 23, 2024

Predicted to be 111 here on July 2nd


1 comment:

  1. I have one, either 10k BTU or more. Bought it a couple years ago, and can recommend it. One thing, you must clean out all the 3 filters, and often, and then more, you must clean whatever the filter was protecting, like the radiator fins. I recommend putting additional filters OVER the existing ones, out side the unit, as ALL the air born everything is sucked in. once it's in, it starts to gum up the works, decrease efficiency, and cause moisture to stick around and rust whatever it can. I know of no video that explains how to open one of these up so you can thoroughly clean and drain it, which I would do if I could.
    I guess I have a unit slightly higher on the options, as mine comes with an additional side to side moving internal directional vane assembly.
    My advice for anyone buying these, get the most expensive one you can that can cool the most BTUs.
    When you get it, INSULATE that damn exhaust tube, which radiates heat like mad right into the very area it's trying to cool. Wrap it in any kind of insulation, I use some foam type thin sheets of material that often are used to wrap large objects like flat screen tvs. My ac unit will keep my bedroom at 73 or below when it's 100 outside, even though the damn walls have no insulation.
