Sunday, June 23, 2024

Got my bag of Scorpion Pepper Pistachios. Taste the nuts first, and then the heat hits. These are hot. Need a glass of milk hot. Tongue burn. If you like spice, this is a good one, cause you clearly enjoy the pistachio taste, while the burn comes on later.


Or, perhaps these would appeal to a broader market....

                Pistachios Tajin Clasico Chile Lime Seasoned


  1. The 'Wonderful' brand of chili roasted pistachios are very good. Only a little bit hot though. Costco carries nice big bags of them.

  2. You must be absolutely Huge! All the crap you order and try from amazon...!

  3. Oh I meant to say Unhealthy crap.

  4. Awww. taking them out of the shells is the best part

  5. I never understood the attraction for a food that causes immediate physiological reactions - I always took that as a danger sign. Pain = bad. I have a friend whose face turns red and sweat beads pop out on his face and balding head as he eats that stuff. It amazes me as to why.

  6. No milk for hot stuff. Take a teaspoon of sugar, swirl in your mouth with your saliva. Works great.
