Monday, November 29, 2021

Amazing Stat



  1. This Montanan always finds it enjoyable to kid a Canadian friend about his southern roots

  2. Canada, though I love the country, has never fully exploited it's potential. Their success has been, largely, based upon the commerce with the USA. Why haven't we annexed them?

    1. Really? And what would you do with Quebec?

      Besides, that half of the population all believe Trudy Prancing Socks is a wonderful idiot.

      If the United States took everything west of that puke red stain and nuked Vancouver, they would have a very nice addition of Conservatives.

    2. Nope. Trudy prancing sox fan club is a different map. A bunch there, yes, but some in Quebec, cuz they know how to play the game, and a bunch on the west coast. Same results, though.

  3. Back when the province of Quebec voted and lost to separate from Canada, they should have just asked all of Canada do you want to keep Quebec. Quebec would be living a very lonely existence.
