Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Dangerous Job

Replacing a part on a 345,000 volt power line. from r/nextfuckinglevel


  1. Not a job for a windy day...

  2. No, nope, oh hell no! Those guys are crazy and have big brass/zinc cohones...

  3. I'd do that job. Looks like it would be a blast.

  4. Think he makes more than minimum wage?

  5. I wonder how often he drops his battery tool.

    He kind of gives a sigh of relief when his grounding strap leaves the wire as the platform pulls away, doesn't he?

  6. In my head I know it is safe, buuuut... Kinda like when I had my house power upgraded. The electrician was on my roof connecting the power cables, and I knew it was all good as long as he did not touch more than one at a time, buuuut... No big puff of smoke, thankfully.

  7. My cousin-in-law was a linesman for 30+ years and he once told me he could tell if a new hire was going to make it within the first 15 minutes. Takes a lot of patience, skill and concentration to do that stuff in the daytime, much less at 2 o’clock in the morning after an ice storm.
