Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Am I a bad person for finding this funny?

All those fancy high dollar bikes, all those hours of training, all those colorful tights, and all it takes is one jerk to bring them all down.


  1. Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down. And of course, they're feet aren't clipped to their pedals. Now the guy on the fence? That was funny.

  2. Makes me wonder if somebody did't jam a water bottle in a competitors spokes...

  3. Looks like my local Wal*Mart at 4 PM on Thanksgiving afternoon.

  4. the technique is called "thinning the herd" by any means not seen by umpires. tough luck old boy coming thru!bactine by the gallon. OOOOOOOoooooooo......the humanity!
