Thursday, February 9, 2012

Alireza Forghani, an Iranian politician closely allied to the regime there, has released a plan to destroy Isreal in all of 9 minutes:

  "Forghani ideologically roots his essay in Khamenei’s extremist interpretation of Islam, arguing that Muslims are obligated to attack Israel for it’s so-called occupation of Palestinian lands.
He advocates for a two-stage attack, the first of which would focus on Israel’s most densely populated areas, including Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa. Forghani states that Iran could use its medium-range Shahab-3 missiles to annihilate these cities, which are home to around 60 percent of Israel’s population.
During the second phase of the attack, Iran could use its solid-fueled Sejil missiles to destroy Israeli power plants, sewage treatment facilities, and transportation infrastructure, among other sites, according to the essay, which was translated into English by MEMRI.
The ultimate goal, according to Forghani: The “final annihilation of Israel’s people.”
Now if you were the Israelis, hearing this, could you not take this seriously?  When a high government official of a state that has continuously threatened your existence at all levels publishes something like this, is this not a green light for a preemptive strike, maybe even an attack that does to them what they are clearly planning to do to you?
The Iranians are playing with fire on this, in a major way, with an adversary that has shown it's willingness to do what is needed to protect itself on multiple occasions in the past. 
If I was an Iranian today, I'd be moving out of major population centers and upwind as soon as possible. Might want to store up some food and water as well.

1 comment:

  1. How do you have negotitations or peace talks with people like this? And more to the point, how can your allies expect you to have peace talks, or give concessions to people like this?
