Friday, November 27, 2015

Thanksgiving leftovers, with a canine begger watching closely.

Leftovers are the best.


  1. The poor hound! He looks as if he's been starved while master gorges himself.

    1. I hold up the fork with something tasty on it, say, "Want some?" and then eat it. Actually, I am at fault for feeding the dog. Every time I share, he says, "Rank Roo!"

  2. I think of Henry VIII eating a big turkey shank at a lavish table and then tossing the bone to starving people behind bars at the end of the hall.

    Maybe we need to put your Ridgeback on one of those commercials for a starving dog - you know the ones where some pathetic woman comes on at the end and asks you for $20/month to feed them? You could make some extra cash by rending him out.

    In truth dogs have that "I'm starving and I need food look" even if they are so stuffed that they're ready to barf.

    1. I hear that. I always figured it was the wolf heritage in them. I've never had a dog that couldn't cop that "Oh please, oh please, oh please..." look. Plus I'm a soft touch.

  3. Did not know you had a Ridgeback.... I had several back in the late 70s/early 80s. Great dogs, they were. Have you ever seen them lure coursing? They're beautiful runners.

    1. No I haven't. Ours is just the family dog, although he definitely likes to roam about.

  4. Yeah. They're hounds -- like the scorpion "it's what they do." We did manage to get basic obedience CDs on our dogs. They are an intelligent breed. Fiercely loyal, too.

    Check out some of the youtube vids re; Ridgebacks lure coursing.
