Tuesday, January 28, 2020

A casting mold for a wind turbine blade


  1. Read yesterday that more energy goes into making these wind turbines than each will ever save in its lifetime.

  2. I see them everywhere it seems. A blight on the landscape.

  3. I remember going to Hawaii in 86 on the way to Volante Rodeo. There were 100s of those things all over the place fucking up the ambiance and not on of them worked.

  4. Head down to Cape Cod on Route 3 and as you approach the Kingston/Plymouth border there is a huge Wind Turbine. It hasn't produced power in years. Lately the aircraft warning lights on top went out and this turkey is on the approach to Plymouth Airport.
    Obviously the money ran out and the maintenance is not being done. One day one or more of the huge blades will "take wing". I hope I'm not driving down the highway that fine day.

  5. Yes, that's all true but just think how satisfied the bureaucrats were with themselves after doing something to combat climate change or something. They didn't have any of those when I lived in Plymouth years ago. Damn I miss those Lobster Rolls and Fried Clams from Souza's and the food at Mama Mia's Pizza.

  6. Mamma Mia's is still around, several new restaurants in fact.
    Souza's is now the "CabbyShack" with a new deck and a Jimmy Buffet jive. Young crowd.
